Athens University, Medical School.
The DASH outcome measure, (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder & Hand), official translation to a Greek Version, accepted by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon, AAOS. Translators: G. Themistocleous MD Ph.D., G. Goudelis MD,
N. Gerostathopoulos MD PhD, PN Soucacos MD FACS, Professor and Chairman in A’ Orthopaedic Department of Athens University Medical School and Department of Hand Surgery K.AT. Hospital (accident hospital), Athens, Greece.
Chapter: ‘Spinal problems’, Author: Theodoros Lefteroudis, Christodoulidis publications, Thessaloniki 2009.
Chapter 11,’Histochemical Changes of the Multifidus Muscle in Patients with Lumbar Disc Herniation’ Editor & Author: Sapkas G, Orthopaedic Ass. Professor University of Athens, Kafkas Publications, Athens 2006.
Chapter 37, ‘Intradiscal electrothermal Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Discogenic Low Back Pain’ Editor & Author Sapkas G, Orthopaedic Ass. Professor University of Athens, Kafkas Publications, Athens 2006.
Chapter 40, ‘Revision Surgery for Degenerative Lumbar Diseases’, G. Sapkas, L. Nikolakakos, N. Zervakis, G. Goudelis, A. Partsinevelos, G. Kelalis. Editor: Sapkas G, Orthopaedic Ass. Professor University of Athens, Kafkas Publications, Athens 2006.
Chapter 7, ‘ORTHOTICS’ in Book with Title “Biomechanics of Implants in Spine” Editor: Sapkas G, Orthopaedic Ass. Professor University of Athens, Kafkas Publications, Athens 2001.
Chapter 10, “Reconstructive spinal surgery in patients with osteoporosis”, in Book with title “Current subjects on spinal diseases”, Editor: Sapkas G, Orthopaedic Ass. Professor University of Athens, Kafkas Publications, Athens 2005.
Chapter 21, “Paralytic scoliosis”, in Book with title “Current subjects on spinal diseases”, Editor: Sapkas G, Orthopaedic Ass. Professor University of Athens, Kafkas Publications, Athens 2005.
- G. Themistocleus, G. Goudelis, I. Kyrou, G. Chloros, A. Krokos, A. Galanos, N. Gerosthathopoulos, PN. Soucacos. “Translation into Greek, Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand Questionnaire (DASH). Journal of Hand Therapy Vol 19, No 3 July/September 2006.
- C. Becher, G Gkoudelis, HH Paessler: ‘Glucosamin und Chondroitin als Nahrungserganzungsmittel in der Knorpeltherapie’ Aus: Atos News, Ausgage 8/Mai 2006
- N. Gerostathopoulos, G Georgiades, C. Sotiropoulos, F. Giannoulis, G. Goudelis. “The Results of the Surgical Treatment of the Thoracic Outlet Syndrome”. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery British Volume, Vol 86-B Issue SUPP II 188 2004.
- I. Ignatiadis, A. Diakomanoli, A. Barbitsioti, G. Goudelis, N. Gerostathopoulos, “Fasciocutaneous Reversed Miniflaps Based on Metacarpal Artery for Covering Fingers Soft Tissue Defect”. Romanian Journal of Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery, Volume 9, Number 1-2, 2004.
- I. Ignatiadis, A. Avram, A. Diacomanoli, A. Barbitsioti, G. Goudelis, N. Gerostathopoulos“Three Cases of Kite Flap for Thumb Reconstruction, Based on Both Metacarpal Arteries of the First Web Space”., Medimond S.t.l. 2004 Italy.
- P. Boscainos, P Papagelopoulos, G. Goudelis, A. Partsinevelos, K. Nikolopoulos, D. Korres, “Eagle Syndrome. A case report”. ORTHOPEDICS, Number 4, Volume 27, April 2004.
- D. Korres, P. Boscainos, P. Papagelopoulos, I. Psycharis, G. Goudelis, K. Nikolopoulos, “Multiple Level Noncontiguous Fracture of the Spine”, Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research, Number 411, pp. 95-102, 2003. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
- INFO ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMATOLOGY Medical magazine, article with subject: ‘Skier’s Thumb’, C. Kyriakopoulos, M. Mahera, B. Konstantinou, G. Goudelis, A. Partsinevelos, P. Triantafillides. Number 33, pp20-21, 2004.
- INFO ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMATOLOGY Medical magazine, article with subject: ‘Pathophysiology of infections after internal fixation of fractures’. G. Goudelis, A. Diakomanoli, G. Themistokleous. Number 31, pp11-14, 2003.
- INFO ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMATOLOGY Medical magazine, article with subject: ‘Wrong side surgery in Orthopaedic’. A. Partsinevelos, G. Partsinevelos, G. Goudelis, J. Ignatiades. Number 31, pp11-14, 2003.
- INFO ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMATOLOGY Medical magazine, article with subject: ‘Intamedullary Nailing of Femoral Shaft Fracture, with or without intramedullary reaming?’. Goudelis G, Themistokleous G. Partsinevelos A. Number 30, pp 2-3, 2003.
- ‘ORTHOPAEDIC’ Journal of The Orthopaedic and Traumatology Association of Macedonia and Thrace article with subject: ‘Electronic Management of Medical Data in an Orthopaedic Department. Volume 16, No 1, 2003.
- INFO ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMATOLOGY Medical magazine, article with subject: ‘Congenital Anomalies of th Base of Skull-Atlanto-Axial Joint’ Goudelis G, Partsinevelos A, 27 ,pp 2-4, 2002.
- INFO ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMATOLOGY Medical magazine, article with subject: ‘Biomechanics of the Cervical Spine , the Role of the Ligaments’, 27, pp:2-4, 2002.
- INFO ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMATOLOGY Medical magazine, article with subject: ‘M.R.I. in diagnosis of meniscal tear’ Partinevelos A, Goudelis G, 25, pp:6-7 2002.
- INFO ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMATOLOGY Medical magazine, article with subject: ‘Pathophysiology of Synovial Membrane’ 24, pp:7-8, 2001.
- INFO ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMATOLOGY Medical magazine, article with subject: ‘Kinematics of the Shoulder’, 23, pp: 7-8, 2001.
- 14/11/03 – 16/11/03, Member of the Organizing Committee in Seminar with subject: ‘Indication and application techniques of the Ilizarov apparatus in the upper and lower extremities. 1st Orthopaedic Department, University of Athens Medical School.
- 30/03/02 – 31/03/02, Member of the Organizing Committee in Symposium with Subject: ‘Challenging Problems in Adult Reconstructive Surgery – New methods & techniques’. A’ Orthopaedic Department University of Athens and Research Center of Musculoskeletal System (LRMS), Athens.
- Academic year 2001-2002, Member of the Organizing Committee in Postgraduate Seminars in Adult Reconstructive Surgery, A’ Orthopaedic Department University of Athens.
- 22/06/01 – 24/06/01, Member of the Organizing Committee in 14th Congress of Orthopaedic Oncology, organized by National Association of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, – Department of Oncology.
- Academic Year 2000-2001, Member of the Organizing Committee in University Lessons with Subject ‘Hand Surgery – Microsurgery’, Medical School A’ Orthopaedic Department, University of Athens.
- 06/02/01- 09/05/01, Member of the Organizing Committee in Postgraduate Seminars in Cervical Spine. A’ Orthopaedic Department, University of Athens.
- Academic year 1999-2000, Member of the Organizing Committee in University Lessons with Subject ‘Hand Surgery – Microsurgery’, Medical School A’ Orthopaedic Department, University of Athens.
- 2022, Founder member of European Hip Preservation Associates EHPA ESSKA.
- 20/09/2017 - 22/09/2017
4th Annual World Congress of Orthopaedics WCORT 2017, Oral presentation: " Patient Specific Knee Arthroplasty, technical notes and experience"
Taiyuan, China.
- 02/05/2012 - 05/05/2012,
15th ESSKA European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy, Poster presentation: ‘Osteochondritis dissecans of the knee. Autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACI procedure), in combination with corrective osteotomy of the lower limb.’, G. Goudelis, K. Samaras. Interbalkan European Medical Center,
Geneva, Swiss.
- 12/5/2004 - 15/5/2004, 39th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, poster presentation: ‘Κite flap for thumb reconstruction based on both metacarpal arteries of the first space’, Ignatiadis I, Diakomanoli A, Barbitsioti A, Goudelis G, Velentzas P, Gerostathopoulos N, Hand Surgery & Microsurgery clinic General Hospital of Attika ‘K.AT’, Athens.
- 08/11/2003 – 09/11/2003, Cyprus Annual Congress in Orthopaedics, Poster presentation: ‘Multifragmental intraarticular fractures of the upper tibia. Treatment with type Hoffman external osteosyntheses’. Kaseta M, Goudelis G, Kougialis M, Metania E, Konstantinou V, Gadaifis N, Ioannides T, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- 08/11/2003 – 09/11/2003, Cyprus Annual Congress in Orthopaedics, Poster presentation: ‘Transcondylar fractures of the femur. Treatment with Hoffman retrograde intramedullary nailing’. Kaseta M, Goudelis G, Kougialis M, Metania E, Konstantinou V, Gadaifis N, Ioannides T, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- 08/11/2003 – 09/11/2003, Cyprus Annual Congress in Orthopaedics, Oral presentation: Treatment of unstable femur transtrochanteric fracture with Bipolar hemiartroplasty’. Kougialis M, Kaseta M, Goudelis G, Metania E, Konstantinou V, Gadaifis N, Ioannides T, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- 03/06/2001- 07/06/2001, EFFORT, 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Association of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Poster presentation: ‘The Vulnerability of the Vertebral and Anterior Spinal Artery to Cervical Spine Lesions’, Gandaifis N, Psycharis J, Kougialis M, Kaseta M, Goudelis G, Korres DS. A’ Orthopaedic Dept. Medical School, Athens University, KAT Hospital Athens Greece.
- 21/06/00-24/06/00, XVI Meeting of the Cervical Spine Research Society, Poster presentation: ‘Dens Fractures – A new Anatomical Classifications’ Korres DS, Boscainos P, Roides N, Vlamis J, Goudelis G.
- 22/11/2024 - 24/11/2024
AMLI III Athens Medical Leadership and Innovation. Lecture: The evolution of knee arthroplasty. ATHENS, GREECE.
- 80th Congress of Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Participating in project presented with an oral presentation "The association between heart rate variability, neck range, pain intensity, disability, psychological status and quality of life of patients with chronic neck pain. THESSALONIKI GREECE.
- 21/09/2023 - 22/09/2023
Meeting of the GREY TURNER Surgical Society, Lecture "The evolution of knee arthroplasty" THESSALONIKI, GREECE.
- 13/10/2022
78th Congress of the Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology: Oral Presentation "Hip arthroscopy - Operative techniques. ATHENS, GREECE.
- 20/11/2021
Current Concepts in Hip, Knee and Spine Surgery. Oral Presentation: ALMIS minimally invasive hip arthroplasty - How I do it. Interbalkan European Medical Center. THESSALONIKI, GREECE
- 02/10/2019 - 05/10/2019
75th Congress of Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Masterclass Round table with subject: Navigation and Robotics in total hip and knee arthroplasty. Oral Presentation: Patient Specific Intsrument in knee arthroplasty. ATHENS, GREECE.
- 23/11/2018 - 25/11/2018
AMLI II Athens Medical Leadership and Innovation Conference. Oral presentation: "Electronic technology and evolution in knee arthroplasty". ATHENS GREECE
- 2012- 2015 Instructor in ISOPLUS educational seminars
- 03/04/2013 - 06/04/2013, 5th Hellenic Arthroscopic Association, Knee Surgery & Sports Traumatology "Georgios Noulis"
Poster Presentation: Lateral release and anterior knee pain. LARISA, GREECE.
- 14/05/2010 – 16/05/2010, 15th National Pediatric Orthopaedic Congress
Oral presentation: ‘Osteochondritis Dissecans of Knee’, K Samaras, G Goudelis. KAVALA GREECE.
- 07/10/2009 – 10/10/2009, 65th National Congress of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. Poster Presentation: Giant Cell tumor upper tibial metaphysis. Operative treatment. A case report. THESSALOINIKI GREECE.
- 07/10/2009 – 10/10/2009, 65th National Congress of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. Poster Presentation: Breakage of the femoral stem without fracture of femur in obese woman 79 years old with total hip arthroplasty. A case report. THESSALONIKI GREECE.
- 12/10/2005 – 15/10/2005, 61st National Congress of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. Oral Presentation: ‘ACL revision replacement in 104 patients. Three to nine years follow up results’. A Diamantopoulos, O. Lorbach, G. Goudelis, H. Paessler. Center for knee & foot surgery and sportstrauma, ATOS Clinic Center, Heidelberg Germany. ATHENS GREECE.
- 16/06/2005 – 18/06/2005, 1st Hellenic Congress of Arthroscopy, Surgery of the Knee and Sports Injuries, Oral Presentation : ‘Three years follow-up in the treatment of Osteochondridis dissecans of the talus with the microfracturing’. A. Diamantopoulos, C. Becher, G. Goudelis, H. Thermann. Center for knee & foot surgery and sportstrauma, ATOS Clinic Center, Heidelberg Germany. THESSALONIKI GREECE.
- 16/06/2005 – 18/06/2005, 1st Hellenic Congress of Arthroscopy, Surgery of the Knee and Sports Injuries, Oral Presentation : ‘Clinical results after revision ACL reconstruction in 104 patients’. A. Diamantopoulos, O. Lorbach, G. Goudelis, C. Becher, H.H. Paessler. Center for knee & foot surgery and sportstrauma, ATOS Clinic Center, Heidelberg Germany. THESSALONIKI GREECE.
- 06/10/2004 – 09/10/2004, 60th National Congress of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology Congress, Poster Presentation: ‘Periosteal Chondrosarcoma. A case Report’. C. Kyriakopoulos, G. Goudelis, A. Mavrogenis, P. Triantafillidis, K. Zahos,
J. Psycharis, F. Sim, P. Papagelopoulos. ATHENS GREECE.
- 04/6/2004 – 06/6/2004, 1st Congress of Medical School University of Athens, Oral Presentation: ‘Multiple Level Noncontiguous Fractures of the Spine’, D. Korres, G. Goudelis, G. Themistokleous, D. Evagelopoulos, G .Nomikos, G. Gavras, P.N. Soucacos. ATHENS GREECE.
- 28/11/03 – 30/11/03, 9th Seminar in Spine Biomechanics. Organized by A’ Orthopaedic Clinic University of Athens, oral presentation: ‘Consequences of degenerative intervertebral disc disease on vertebral body’, G. Goudelis. ATHENS GREECE.
- 15/10/2003 – 19/10/2003, 59th National Congress of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, Oral presentation: ‘Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Surgical Treatment Results’. N. Gerostathopoulos, G. Georgiades, F. Giannoulis, C. Sotiropoulos, G. Goudelis. ATHENS GREECE.
- 15/10/2003 – 19/10/2003, 59th National Congress of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, Oral presentation: ‘Trapezoid Muscle Transfer in Brachial Plexus Injuries’. H. Disios, J. Psycharis, G. Goudelis, N. Gerostathopoulos. ATHENS GREECE.
- 15/10/2003 – 19/10/2003, 59th National Congress of Orthopaedic Surgery &Traumatology. Poster Presentation: ‘The Effectiveness of Mentally Training in Rehabilitation in Ankle Sprain Grade II’. A. Christakou, G. Goudelis, S. Athanasopoulos, J. Zervas. ATHENS GREECE.
14) 15/10/2003 – 19/10/2003, 59th National Congress of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. Poster Presentation: ‘Rare Located Lesion of Vascular Mass’. G. Themistokleous, C. Karavolias, S. Kontou, J. Psycharis, G. Goudelis, N. Gerostathopoulos. ATHENS GREECE.
- 15/10/2003 – 19/10/2003, 59th National Congress of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. Poster Presentation: ‘Eosinophilic Granuloma of C4 Vertebra with neurological symptoms’. A. Partsinevelos, G. Themistokleous, G. Goudelis, D. Korres,
P. Papagelopoulos. ATHENS GREECE.
- 20/6/2003 – 22/6/2003, Annual Symposium of Arthroscopy Department & Knee Surgery, oral presentation: ‘Knee Arthroscopy in Child and adolescent’, P. Krallis, K. Anastasopoulos, G. Goudelis, K. Antonis, H. Karanikas, NAFPLIO GREECE.
- 01/05/03 – 04/05/03, 22nd Annual Congress of the Orthopaedic & Traumatology Association of Macedonia & Thrace, oral presentation: ‘Electronic Management of Medical Data in an Orthopaedic Department. Krallis P, Melas J, Hager J, Vlachou M, Kavouriades B, Goudelis G, Dimitriadis D. HAKLIDIKI GREECE.
- 07/11/02 – 10/11/02, Annual Military Congress, oral presentation: ‘The use of methylmethacrylate as an External Fixation in Childhood and Adolescence’, Rizonaki A, Goudelis G, Hager I, Krallis P, Kavouriades B, Dimitriadis D. THESSALONIKI GREECE.
- 22/10/02-27/10/02, 58th National Congress of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. Poster presentation: ‘Statistical Analysis patients with Orthopaedic Problems in big Traumatology Center in Athens’, Themistokleous G, Karavolias X, Kontou S, Hatzikostas P, Goudelis G, Papangelopoulos P, Sapkas G. ATHENS GREECE.
- 26/09/02-29/09/02, Annual Congress of the Spine “Gianestras – Smirnis”, Oral presentation: ‘Preventive Method of Postoperative Infection for the Spinal Disorders’, Krallis P, Rizonaki A, Goudelis G, Kotsifi K, Dimitriadis D, National Association of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Department of Spinal Disorders, CRETA GREECE.
- Academic Year 2001-2002, Postgraduate Seminars in Cervical Spine, Lecture’ s Subject: 1) Atlanto-axial Dislocation, 2) Blood Supply of Odondoid Process. Organized by Ass. Prof. of Orthopaedic Dr. Korres DS, A’ Orthopaedic Department, University of Athens GREECE.
- 30/04/02, Postgraduate Seminars in Reconstructive Surgery in Adult, Lecture’s Subject: ‘Biomechanics of the Shoulder’, A’ Orthopaedic Department, University of ATHENS GREECE.
- 11/09/01 – 15/9/01, 57th National Congress of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. Poster Presentation: ‘Reconstructive procedures in Metastatic Labrum Lesions with Total Hip Arthroplasty. Papagelopoulos P, Themistokleous G, Boscainos P, Gandaifis N, Goudelis G, Vlamis I. ATHENS GREECE.
- 10/04/01, Postgraduate Seminars in Cervical Spine, Lecture’s subject: ‘The role of the Ligaments in Biomechanics of the Cervical Spine. Organized by Ass. Prof. of Orthopaedic Dr. Korres DS, A’ Orthopaedic Department, University of ATHENS GREECE.
- 06/02/01, Postgraduate Seminars in Cervical Spine, Lecture’s subject: ‘Congenital Anomalies of th Base of Skull-Atlanto-Axial Joint’. Organized by Ass. Prof. of Orthopaedic Dr. Korres DS, A’ Orthopaedic Department, University of ATHENS GREECE.
- 15/05/97-18/05/97, 16th Congress of the Orthopaedic & Trauma Society of Macedonia & Thrace, Oral Presentation; ‘Pseudarthrosis of a Carpal Scaphoid – Treatment’, Tsaknis R, Goudelis G, Nikiforos D, Marougiannis D, Karanassos T, Tossounides B, 424 General Army Hospital THESSALONIKI GREECE.
- March 1993, National Congress of Medical Student. Oral Presentation: ‘Osteoporosis, a new options’ Prof. Simeonides P, Ass. Prof. Kapetanos G, Dimitriou X, Salmas M, Goudelis G. ThESSALONIKI GREECE.
- March 1993, National Congress of Medical Student. Oral Presentation: ‘Physical Therapy and Low Back Pain’, Goudelis G, Prof. of Neurosurgery Foroglou G., ThESSAONIKI GREECE.