Male 42 years old, suffered from rupture of the long head biceps brachialis tendon. The patient's history begins when after a sharp lifting, felt intense and sudden pain in the right arm.
Clinically the patient has contraction of the biceps muscle centrally and significant loss of power of bending the elbow.
The patient is an athlete of martial arts.
Biceps tendon tear (long head). Central contraction of the muscle.
The finger of Orthopaedic placed on the gap left by the rupture of the tendon.
At the flexion of the elbow is apparent narrowing of the central tendon of the brachial biceps muscle.
Shortly before the surgery. The line represents the skin incision.
Surgical repair of ruptured biceps tendon with surgical microscope.
Bicepsbutton technique (Arthrex).
Three months after surgical repair of the tendon. The bending of the elbow is fully restored with a gradual improvement in muscle power.