Evolution in Orthopaedics are impressive. In almost every joint, in every bone, ligament and muscle system of the human body such as the knee, hip and foot, we are able now to give therapeutic solutions more efficient and more sustainable.
Understanding the different needs of each patient by the athlete, computer operator until elderly man, leads to different conservative or invasive treatment regimen.
In this site you will find the new and advanced minimal invasive FAST TRACK methods such as new ROSA ROBOTICS knee arthroplasty, PERSONA knee arthroplasty and the ALMIS minimally invasive hip arthroplasty, modern arthroscopic techniques, stem cell therapy, PRP - platelet reach plasma, and autologous protein treatment for articular cartilage lesions and soft tissue injuries, which successfully implemented. Visit arthrohealclinic.gr
I wish you good reading and daily care of your health.